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Web Design

Certificate in Web Design

A well-designed website is essential for any organization today, with so many people consuming much of their information online. This suite of courses available at Loyola University New Orleans will teach you the skills you'll need to build a website of your own. Building a website involves a lot more than just writing code. Before you start on that, you need to understand what you want your website to do, how it will look, who you want it to reach, and what message it should send. 

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Students with Computer

Features of the Program

Each course in the web design certificate program features video commentary by web design professionals and interactive learning exercises that will allow you to test your knowledge of web design concepts and practice coding. The program can be completed at any time on the schedule that works best for you. 

More key features of the program: 

  • Mobile-friendly and 100% online 
  • Guidance from subject matter experts 
  • Badge and credit-awarding

Web Design Curriculum

The first five courses in the suite will introduce you to the basics of designing a functional and attractive site, the HTML and CSS languages you'll need to execute your design, and best practices for designing and building a website that responds intelligently to the needs of users. The capstone course will guide you through a scenario-based web design project from conception to completion.

Certificate Courses: 

  • Introduction to Web Design
  • HTML for Web Design
  • CSS for Web Design
  • JavaScript for Web Design
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Web Design Capstone: Seaside Bed and Breakfast

Crediting Details: 

  • IACET CEUs: 1.5 (Contact Hours: 18 hours)
  • SHRM PDCs: 12

View course descriptions and more information on the certificate purchasing page

Support Just for You

Have questions about the web design certificate? Contact Loyola’s Office of Professional and Continuing Studies to speak one-on-one with a member of our team.